I don’t make resolutions, but I do think about what I want to let go of and what I want to keep. I think about what I want more of. With apologies to Leonard Cohen, I think about imperfect offerings, the cracks in everything, and the bells I still can ring.
For me.
For you.
Next Year/Forever…
Here are a few:
More light more peace more justice more grace, more looking up and out and at each other.
More tenderness more listening more softness more wisdom, more remembering all humans want to feel loved, safe, and seen.
More awe more insight, more vision, more beauty, more benevolence seeking no outside reward.
More patience more ease more depth more relief more telling the people you love that you love them.
More ego receding and soulfulness leading, more laying down armor that long ago stopped protecting you from harm.
More wandering, more dreaming, more kissing, more meaning.
More sleep and belonging right where you are.
More freedom and mystery, magic and poetry, more cabals meeting secretly to whisper about synchronicity and joy.
More gestures of gentleness, more glimmers in the darkness, more returning what separated us, more mending of the torn up and broken-hearted.
More spontaneous group singing
More five-year-olds giggling.
More time to keep trying.
More remembering who we all really are.
In case you’re new or forgot:
You are not the longing or the sorrow or the memory of something better. You are not the things that seem broken or the parts that feel fixed. You are not the grudges you hold. You are not the money you made. You are not what you wanted to achieve or all the things that you failed to. You are not the story you told or the one that they told you. You are not the last calendar year of your life any more than the whole sky is what you see if you look up and stare at it right now.
You are where day bleeds into night, where colors run away with your heart leaking a sliver of moonlight. You are a mystery. You are a miracle. You are a proxy to a poet whose work you’ll never see. You are high up, above all the clouds, a place with no end, no beginning, and no name.
You are an echo.
A vibration.
You are all of the love that you gave.
✨Happy New Year✨
The perfect first words of a new year…
You just saved me the $112 I was going to spend on a seasonal affective disorder lamp. 💙