I loved every goddamned word of this

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New Jersey and the UFOs were especially for you.

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Not an astrophysicist so the expanding brilliance can’t be measured by me.

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Rusty dearest, we both knew her as an adorable little girl with beautiful dark curls, quiet (as I remember) but clearly very observant (as I don’t remember!)

I love the fact that you are as stupefied as I am at this brilliant fireworks of words and ideas and observations emanating from your progeny! Didn’t this use to be my role?! We must talk.

Amanda dearest, you stole my role! We must talk. Are you taking up quantum computing and Schoedinger’s Cat next? I can encourage you to!

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Reading you is like watching a dancer shift between intricate steps and a playful jig, one wonders how the feet can keep such varied time... your brain astounds me and your writing enchants me. Ever in awe of your capacity for observation and real-time creative processing.

Love, love. x

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Brilliant piece, as usual.

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Thank you so much for this!

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All of my own, random, distracted thoughts were detangled and communicated so elegantly..thank you for somehow sorting the jumbled mess of the world that most of us cannot even begin to wrap our own brains around into a neat, sorted, bite sized, somewhat digestible chunks. You are genius. And now I’m also fascinated with Pompei.

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Endlessly marveling at your... yes, I'm gonna say it, GENIUS. truly.

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Amanda! Perfection!!💓

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AG, I love all - and want more - of this!

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