This is f***ing fantastic writing. Once again, Amanda Guinzburg has reminded us of the truth. Reminded us what human decency is (or at least what it’s SUPPOSED to be).

As if decency is “going the way of the Dodo Bird” — a rare species in danger of extinction:

“This parrot has ceased to be. This is an EX-parrot!!”

She’s one of the few who can spot that bird in the wild & cry: “Oh, yes! I know what that is! It once flourished on this continent. Now there are three of them left.”

Brava & thank you, Amanda.

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The fact that this poor woman has to endure her own personal hell in the glare of the media, social and otherwise, is unforgivable.

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Amen, Amanda. And thank you. xxoo

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Nailed it again, dear Guinz!

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So well done, as always.

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Brilliant. In every way.

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This is all anyone needs to read about royalty, media and humanity. Wonderful.

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